

I am no wordsmith; I have always preferred to draw. Studio Castro is a curation of hand-drawn bespoke patterns that make me smile. My drawings & collections come from a memory of or a future a destination that I hope to one day see. The colours, sights & feelings evoked by the wonder of a new place. Magic.

Life in motion is hectic, at times messy, & crazy-beautiful all at once. It’s a ride. I am a mother to two delightful (most of the time) little people & wife to a busy but doting & hard-working partner. We are in the thick-of-it as they say. My art is my joy outside of my family.

All of my works start out as an ink drawing. Black ink on a white page. Then comes the fun part, the digital creating. Pattern design is addictive & I cannot get enough (similar to vino & cheese..).

I love to draw, drink wine & eat food. Laugh, smile & be in sunshine wherever possible. I would love to hear from you or work with you, so please get in touch.

Grazie for taking a look & ciao.

